domingo, julho 24, 2005

We must ask fundamental questions

We must ask fundamental questions about what and why we teach children.

Life Science - Program Definition
What kind of a life science program would be most effective in elementary school?

1. "Living organisms should be used. Almost all children are interested in living organisms, and many of the goals that seem desirable for an elementary school life science program can only be achieved through the study of living organisms."
What are the goals desirable for an elementary school life science program?

"For example, we are concerned that children be responsable in their interactions with other living organisms. To achieve this, they will need educational experiences with living organisms." (The SCIS Life Science Program in SCIS ELEMENTARY SCIENCE SOURCEBOOK, Trial Edition, June, 1968. p85)

2. "The study of life science should start with the ideas the children have concerning life. Based on these ideas, biological concepts can be developed through the children's own observations." (op.cit. p85)
What kind of ideas children have concerning life?

Life Cycles
Another important concept in the life science program of the Project Sirius is life cycles.
Life cycle consists of the growth, development, reproduction, and death of living organisms. We can investigate life cycles in plants by asking such questions as "How do seeds grow?", "Where do seeds come from?". In the case of animals, "How do animals like butterflies, fish, frogs, crickets grow and develop?". (op.cit. p91)

Why study life cycles?
This question has a narrow relationship with a more profound question: "What is life?". To characterize life by using direct study of biological materials, we should ask ourselves questions as: "What are the characteristics of living organisms?". Such questions as "What is alive?" have no clear-cut answers. But these are "questions that are of critical importance in science, and early in their lives children can become aware that such questions are raised in science." (op.cit. p91)
What questions are of critical importance in science?

What is a life cycle?
"A life cycle is a complete circle in the life history of a kind of organism, from a staring point, through various plases or stages in its development, and back to the original starting point. Such phenomena as birth (in animals) and germination (in plants), growth and development, reproduction, and death are included in life cycles. Seeds germinate and become plants. These grow, mature, and produce flowers and then seeds. The seeds germinate again and the cycle is repeated. Frog eggs develop into tadpoles, which change gradually into frogs. Adult frogs can then lay more eggs. (...) A study of life cycles, therefore, is a study of animals and plants as they develop to adulthood, reproduce their own kind, and begin another generation." (op.cit. p91)

In the Project Sirius we will study the development of flowering plants, like beans, sunflower, rapeseed flower (canola), morning glory (Calystegia japonica), balsam (Impatiens balsamina).

Here follows an explanation of the concepts involved in the life cycles of flowering plants.

Life cycles of flowering plants

Life cycles of animals

Life cycles of flowering plants