quinta-feira, agosto 11, 2005

Salt crystals: a mini-course

From the 夏休み塩の学習室: たいけん・しつもんコーナー 説明要領 (explanation essentials)
By たばこと塩の博物館

備品: アルミ針金・手縫い用もめん糸(結晶工作キットをバラす)、星型工作見本、作品保存見本、作業用型枠(5台)、保温箱一式、ペンチ(5本)、はさみ(5本)
手順: 基本的には、演示しつつ作業させる。詳細は「自由研究ヒント集」参照。





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Experience Insights

Help lead your students to a broader understanding of themselves and the world around them with Insights, the new hands-on inquiry science curriculum for grades K-6 from Education Development Center.

This discovery-oriented program fosters process skills while helping students learn science through exploration and knowledge construction. The Insights curriculum is well-suited for use in urban settings or in culturally diverse communities. It was also designed to:

- Improve students' abilities to think creatively and critically.
- Encourage problem solving through experiences in the natural environment.
- Foster the development of positive attitudes about science.
- Bridge science concepts to current social and environmental events.
- Integrate science with the rest of the curriculum, particularly with language, arts and mathematics.
- Provide a teacher-friendly approach to managing a hands-on classroom science program.

Insights was developed with funding from the National Science Foundation. The development team included teachers from Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Insights is available exclusively through Optical Data Corporation. Call today for a free brochure. (800) 524-2481.

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Improve Performance.

Published in Science & Children. January 1995, Vol. 32, No.4.

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A Breakthrough in Elementary Science

Inquiry-centered, hands-on science units for grades 1-6.

Today, this student didn't cover the curriculum. He discovered it.
Together, he and his classmates did experiments, made observations, and drew
conclusions. They became scientists for the day, while learning scientific concepts they will use their entire lives.
For the teacher, it was easy with a unit from the Science and Technology for Children Program (STC). All the materials and apparatus needed for eight weeks of developmentally appropriate instruction were in the unit, including a step-by-step lesson guide. An in-service workshop helped the teacher prepare. The unit
included alternative assessment strategies and activities that helped integrate the lesson across the elementary curriculum.
The STC Program is developed by the National Science Resources Center, which is co-sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution. Each unit is nationally field tested and reviewed by prominent scientists and educators. The sequence of units can serve as a complete elementary science
curriculum, or units can augment an existing program.

Call 1-800-334-5551 today for more information on our hands-on science units. Ask for our free STC information Pack.

Science and Technology for Children (STC)
Published in Science & Children. January 1995, Vol. 32, No.4.

terça-feira, agosto 02, 2005

Top 10 Experiments envisaged

Meu próximo livro: "Os 10 experimentos mais loucos". Inclui material anexo. Em 2 volumes.

Volume 1
Top 1: Pilha com carvão e água e sal
Top 2: Fogo feito com gelo
Top 3: Microfone de luz
Top 4: Minha máquina de algodão doce
Top 5: Micro bolhas de sabão

Volume 2
Top 6: Barquinho elétrico com motor, cobre e zinco
Top 7: Fogo feito com água
Top 8: Mega-imã: o imão mais forte do planeta nas suas mãos
Top 9: Erupção com balas Mentex
Top 10: Lanterna sem pilha