quinta-feira, setembro 01, 2005

Just write

Este trecho encontrei na revista 科学教育研究 (kagaku kyouiku kenkyuu, Journal of Science Education in Japan). É um incentivo para aqueles que escrevem pouco e querem escrever mais.
Just write. Even if it makes no sense, just write. Even if it makes you feel stupid, just write. Even if it makes you feel vulnerable, just write. Even if you feel the world is turnin against you, just write. When you feel sleepy, just go to sleep and dream about that wonderful world you want to create. When you get up pick up your pen and continue writing. Because the truth is, when the mud settles down and the cloud clears away, everything becomes clear as day. In other words, you have written your world into existence because writing is both data and method. (Timothy, 1999, pp.52-53)
Timothy, J.T. (1999). Critical autobiography: An insider perception on science and mathematics education in Vanuatu. Unpublished masters project, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia in Journal of Science Education in Japan, Critical Autobiographical Research for Science Educators. 2003, Vol.27, No.4, p235